Nightlight Collective
2 min readMay 19, 2020


Don’t be too hard on yourself.

This is the beginning of your journey to become more conscientious and aware about your consumption. We are really glad you are here.

First off, don’t beat yourself up about everything you haven’t “done right” for the time being. We are taking this very slow and without any judgement, shame or self loathing. The thing we want you to focus on this week is how we are programmed to consume like mindless consumer zombies, with no regard whatsoever to how those dollars we spend, will impact the health of the human species on this incredible planet. Advertising companies don’t want you thinking of the long term impacts of your purchase of that plastic covered snack pack!! You’re hungry, go ahead and get it! Satiate yourself. And throw the single use plastic container away without another thought.

But you’re here, reading this, because you ARE thinking and you ARE trying to make changes. Again, we are really glad you are here. If everyone of us does this sustainability thing incrementally over the next year, we will start to see some amazing results.

So, this week, just be aware of how you think about spending money. Maybe write all of it down and check off the things you actually needed vs. the things you just wanted in the moment. Think about how hunger can make you do anything to get satiated, and figure out how to pre plan to avoid single use plastic containers associated with our pesky hunger pains.Think about how stores are set up to get us to impulse buy and strategically make sure you DON’T impulse buy. One collective rule we have here is that if it’s not on the list we made of necessities, we have to wait THREE WEEKS to buy said item (usually having to do with clothing). And, oddly, usually those 3 weeks have gone by and that really perfect shirt is not even a blip on our radar. If you find that you absolutely HAVE to have said shirt, the next consumer un-programming tactic we have in place is to very clearly decide that if we purchase an unplanned item of clothing, we have to donate a similar item, within a week of the purchase. That makes you into a negotiator with yourself, and sometimes the new purchase is just not worth giving up what you already have.

This is week number one assignment. Only focus on this, so you can begin to retrain yourself to have more awareness and conscientious intention when in a store or online shopping.

May the force be with you!




Nightlight Collective

A light in the darkness. Make small, collective changes for a big, sustainable impact. The human species needs to unite and get conscious. We can do this.